Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Quotes: Trains. Trait. Tranquility. Transcendental. Transportation.

Troop trains in WWII.
Trains 15 It [trip to Mass. From Colorado] meant another tedious cross-country train trip, long, mind-numbing days in the stuffy coaches, sleeping upright in the threadbare seats, drinking coffee in the dusty stations between trains…. Childers, Wings of Morning

Hobos riding the rails.
Trains hobos 88 Most were anxious for the next town but tired of it within a day and knew contentment only when the steel wheels were clicking beneath them, the fence posts hypnotically slipping by. Christianson, Fox at the Wood’s Edge: Loren Eiseley

When I don’t want you, you’re there; when I do want you, you’re never there.
Trait 153 Catherine to Edgar: You are one of those things that are ever found when least wanted, and when you are wanted, never! E. Brontë, Wuthering Heights.

Possession of things does not guarantee tranquility.
Tranquility 1292 A man should not commit his tranquility to things…. Emerson, Uncollected Prose.

Transcendental means intuitive thought.
Transcendental 199 ...whatever belongs to the class of intuitive thought, is popularly called at the present day Transcendental. Emerson, The Transcendentalist.

Ideas are truth.
Transcendentalism 1196 Transcendentalism: An idea is the highest truth…. Emerson, Uncollected Prose.

Transcendentalists want to escape from themselves.
Transcendentalism 601 [Of transcendentals]: They want to get out of themselves and escape from the man. Montaigne, Selected Essays.

A coach could tell many stories of its inhabitants on trips.
Transportation 84 What an interesting book a hackney-coach might produce…how many stories might be related of the different people it had conveyed on matters of business or profit—pleasure or pain. Dickens, Sketches by Boz.

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