Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Quotes: Sincerity. Size. Skepticism. Slave. Sleep. Small Town. Snooping. Snoring.

The sentence in bold face is a plain statement of the following quote.

One who is sincere and wrong is very dangerous.
Sincerity 199 …a sincere man in the wrong is the most dangerous of opponents. Sevareid, Not So Wild a Dream.

People underestimate short people.
Size 187 Patty Murray on her run for the Senate against an incumbent: “Being short, four feet eleven…people underestimate you.” Bradley, Time Present, Time Past.

Skeptics require patience to persuade.
Skepticism 195 Skeptics can only be convinced at their own rate of speed, not that of the proselytizer’s. Irving Stone, The Passions of the Mind (Life of Freud).

Skeptics don’t believe in cause and effect.
Skepticism 1065 Skepticism is unbelief in cause and effect. Emerson, The Conduct of Life: Worship.

Nothing is new or true and it does not matter.
Skepticism 692 “Ah,” said my languid gentleman of Oxford, “There’s nothing new or true—and no matter.” Emerson, Representative Men: Montaigne, or The Skeptic.

A slave is defined as a breathing machine, animated property.
Slave 144 Aristotle: With no expressed or implied disapproval he defines a slave as ‘a machine which breathes, a piece of animated property.’ E. Hamilton. The Greek Way.

A slave is a living tool, a tool a lifeless slave.
Slavery 82 The slave is a tool with life in it, the tool is a lifeless slave. Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy, Aristotle.

Sleep 580 …for it was a sleep set with a hair-trigger. Twain, Roughing It

Nothing could wake us because we had earned that sleep and our consciences slept too.
Sleep 650 Nothing could disturb the sleep that fettered us, for it had been fairly earned, and if our consciences had any sins on them they had to adjourn court for that night, anyway. Twain, Roughing It

Plato disliked excess in sleep more than excess in drinking.
Sleep 576 Plato is more opposed to excess in sleeping than excess in drinking. Montaigne, Selected Essays.

Sleep is a luxury.
Sleep 217 Priam: Make a bed for me, son of Thetis,/ and let us know the luxury of sleep. Homer, Iliad.

Small Town
A small town never grows up.
Small town 136 “Dear old Deephaven,” said Kate, gently, after we had been silent a little while… “makes me think of one of its own old ladies, with its clinging to the old fashions and its respect for what used to be respectable when it was young.” Sarah Orne Jewett, Deephaven.

People in small towns make neighbors unhappy for their own good.
Small town 705 …an ardent charity was at work setting the virtuous mind to make a neighbor unhappy for her good. George Eliot, Middlemarch.

A wife should not look happier than her husband’s character warranted.
Small town 705 …the love of truth—a wide phrase, but meaning in this relation, a lively objection to seeing a wife look happier than her husband’s character warranted. George Eliot, Middlemarch.

Small towns where it seems the clocks stopped long ago.
Small towns 42 It seemed as if all the clocks in Deephaven, and all the people with them, had stopped years ago, and the people had been doing over and over what they had been busy about during the last week of their unambitious progress. Sarah Orne Jewett, Deephaven.

I couldn’t help hearing because the voices were very loud.
Snooping 476 The voices was very loud, sir, and forced themselves upon my ear. Dickens, Pickwick.

Snoring 859 …snore like a steamboat…. Twain, Roughing It

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